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Further adventures in the dye studio

Remember last summer’s evil gypsy moths? They hatched last week, and I was bombarded with (non-wool-eating but nonetheless horrible) baby caterpillars while I was working in the dye studio.

gypsy moth caterpillar

Tiny, but voracious.

gypsy moth caterpillar

They will be growing rapidly, and eating everything they can get their little mandibles on, most especially oak trees. They aren’t as fond of maples, fortunately, since my street trees are all red maples. The town has already put up pyrethrin-soaked burlap bands, and is planning to spray, or the oaks would be in serious trouble.

It wasn’t all fun and sock yarn this weekend – there was also fun and wool. I’m continuing to search for the perfect tiny tablet-weaving wool, and I may have finally found it. I haven’t woven any yet, but in the skein it has all the right characteristics, and it’s much smaller than the other good weaving wool I’ve come up with.

gypsy moth caterpillar

And it takes dye beautifully.

P.S. Yes, I’m in Maryland, and have been since Sunday afternoon. I waved at MD Sheep and Wool as we drove by on the interstate, but didn’t get to stop!

2 Comments on “Further adventures in the dye studio”

  1. #1 Tamie
    on May 6th, 2008 at 2:43 pm

    I have plenty more of the little caterpests to donate to anyone who wants them. anyone, anyone at all. In fact one came into work today — it’s dead now. and have I seen the town spraying truck or the burlap bands? noooo. They appear to think that perhaps my side of town (Park Forest — yes “forest” and correctly named for the trees or rather the tree stalks left over from last year’s gypsy moth dieting) is not really very bothered by these pests. But after complaints last year they did agree to reevaluate. heeellloooooo.

  2. #2 Trapunto
    on May 9th, 2008 at 3:05 pm

    Hello, I’m a new blogger on WeaveRing. I’m enjoying your garden pictures. I, too, aspire to a flowery mede! I also wanted to ask about your weaving cards; where do you offer them for sale?