
Some quick pics

Here’s a quick peek at some of the dyed wool.

Dye results

Hopefully I’ll get a chance to take better photos and get all caught up on the article I want to write about it. (Hah! All caught up, funny! I think maybe I might have been briefly on top of things about 5 years ago, but probably I’m misremembering.)

This is what the corner of my yard looks like:
White clover
The white clover is expanding, and you can clearly see the edges of the patch. Neat! Well, not if you are a golf course manager, I suppose, or one of those people who must have a perfect grass sward, but I’m neither of those. This is more my style.

Not string, but medieval and artsy.
New ink pot
It’s an inkpot, made just for me by Tamie. (Definitely time for more socks – what color do you want?)

And finally: Dreaming of flying.
Morgan flying

One response to “Some quick pics”

  1. Laura Avatar

    Yay for fiber, flowers in your grass (my father’s cousin Jan had thyme wandering through hers–it smelled so good!), adorable inkpots, and fluffy cats. I need a blog so I can post pictures of my feline.


I’ve been doing stuff with string for quite some time, and describing it to others online since 1996 or so at Phiala’s String Page.

I also do some science and write some fiction.

I’m Phiala most places on the internet.