This is what I rose to early this morning.


My sofa faces the east-looking livingroom window. I watched the clouds change colors and positions, and finally fade, accompanied by the crunch of my breakfast cereal.

It occurred to me earlier this week that I’m wildly excited by the first flowers of spring, and overwhelmed by the lush growth of summer, but that I don’t talk much about the quieter plants of autumn. Yesterday was the first hard frost of the season, and the sensitive fern would have curled up, if only it hadn’t turned brown and shriveled up during the August drought.

The autumn crocus is hiding in the ground cover.

autumn crocus

The honesty supervises from a taller stem. (Lunaria, what a wonderful name.)


A few confused roses wonder what happened to the warmth.


The sedums flourish in the autumn rains, and will persist for a while yet.


At least, it looks like a sedum to me, but I’m no succulent expert. Anyone know what that is?

Tomorrow, SOAR, and the beginning of a five-day weekend. Hooray!

One response to “Autumn Gardens”

  1. alwen Avatar

    Looks like some kind of kalanchoe, a pretty one!


I’ve been doing stuff with string for quite some time, and describing it to others online since 1996 or so at Phiala’s String Page.

I also do some science and write some fiction.

I’m Phiala most places on the internet.