No, I’m nowhere near the computer. Right about now I should be buying twenty pounds of chicken, thirty-five pounds of beef, and forty loaves of bread. But that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve something to enjoy while I’m busy.



These are two of Tamie’s office plants. Mine is getting ready, but the buds aren’t open yet. (And Tamie, don’t forget to let Grendel out!)

One response to “Friday photos”

  1. Robert Anderson Avatar
    Robert Anderson

    Hey Sarah! Sounds like your busy as usual. Seems as though your about to feed an army. Thought I would drop a line and ask how your trip abroad went? Wasn’t sure if you were back yet or not. If you are, hope you had a good time. The plant in the pictures above are beautiful by the way. Is that a Christmas cactus? Anyways, take care!


I’ve been doing stuff with string for quite some time, and describing it to others online since 1996 or so at Phiala’s String Page.

I also do some science and write some fiction.

I’m Phiala most places on the internet.