

The front flowerbed is pink right now.

pink flowers

Extremely pink.

pink flowers

And in interesting shapes, even.

pink flowers

This is not a color I normally associate with the end of August. Isn’t this supposed to be harvest season – golden sweetcorn picked this morning (straight from the Amish market), orange canteloupe (same source), red tomatoes still warm from the sun (or in my case yellow and black, but they taste just as good), green zucchini? Pink?? Where does that come from? It’s a spring color, reminiscent of June roses, and all the more eye-catching for being so temporally displaced.

To help compensate for the overwhelming pink, I dyed some black and white ikat sock yarn. (Note the classy TidyCat dye buckets – useful things, those.) This was an experiment in speeding up the process. The self-stick plastic wrap makes a decent dye resist as long as you wrap it really, really tight, and it is so much faster than tyeing a traditional ikat.

black and white ikat

That really isn’t pink yarn you see in the upper right corner, honest. More purple, really. Or maybe red.

6 responses to “Pink”

  1. Laura Avatar

    I’m always glad to see Morgan keeping up his interest in fiber arts. He’s obviously learning a lot! ;)

  2. Phiala Avatar

    I swear none of those are posed pictures! Anything I do in the courtyard Morgan is desperate to help with. Especially, especially taking pictures.

    Now if only he would learn to skein sock yarn…

  3. Laura Avatar

    I’m sure he at least, ah, helps you when you’re skeining! And yes, I knew that none of the pictures were posed. “Not only am I dealing with wet string, but I have a small, furry, interested assistant twining around my ankles,” the subtext of textile people with cats.

  4. Tamie Avatar

    eeyyiiiii! — its a KAT.

  5. Emily Avatar

    I’ve read the “pink” article twice and checked once more. Are you saying you have edible BLACK tomatoes or have the connections from optic nerve to semi-functioning brain misplaced, oh say a paragraph or three? The only black tomatoes I ever produced caused me to bleach the plants, soil, tools, and anything in the general area to prevent the spread of a very nasty mold. Surely the ag labs have not come up with such a bizarre color for tomatoes. However, I would take that wonderful pink color any day except St. Pat’s. Emily

  6. Phiala Avatar

    Relax, Emily! They are supposed to look like that! These are black cherry tomatoes, and not moldy (well, except when I miss one under the mass of foliage). It’s not exactly the ag labs either, since they are an heirloom variety.

    Mine look like this:

    and there are plenty of other black tomato varieties:

    See? Not really black, and very appetizing-looking.


I’ve been doing stuff with string for quite some time, and describing it to others online since 1996 or so at Phiala’s String Page.

I also do some science and write some fiction.

I’m Phiala most places on the internet.