The fiber arts symposium was a smashing success, the best one ever! Things went smoothly, the food was excellent, the classes were well-attended and well-liked, and site cleanup was quick and easy.
The 11 houseguests all found places to sleep, and we had enough coffee for the 13 people (plus the two of us) who were here for breakfast. Everyone even liked the dog.
All of us are now lazing around and watching it snow. Or rather, those whose eyes are open are watching the snow. I seem to be the only one in the house who’s awake. In a bit, I may even have enough energy to do a bit of knitting. Or, perhaps, I may end up not watching the snow for a while myself.
3 responses to “Whew!”
I’m glad you had such a good time now you get to look forward to turkey day
Yeah! That sounds like a great weekend. My cats found the snow a bit too wet for their tastes, but I made a small (3-ft) snowperson in just a few minutes. Can’t do that with the dry fluffy stuff.
Hey, I was awake _some_ of the time watching it snow!