I’m a bit flattered that someone is actually reading through the back posts. Thanks for finding the new links. I’m sure it should be against the rules for people to reorganize their servers and change the permalinks! :)
Heh, I have a nasty habit of consuming everything even minorly string-related off the internet. Nastier habit of necro-posting on those things.
But I’ve found this blog and your website very entertaining, so I see no need to put this in the ‘nasty habit’ pile~
Though I’ve secretly always wanted to be a nasty habit. :)
4 responses to “Sheep style”
Once again for us back-readers~
I’m a bit flattered that someone is actually reading through the back posts. Thanks for finding the new links. I’m sure it should be against the rules for people to reorganize their servers and change the permalinks! :)
Heh, I have a nasty habit of consuming everything even minorly string-related off the internet. Nastier habit of necro-posting on those things.
But I’ve found this blog and your website very entertaining, so I see no need to put this in the ‘nasty habit’ pile~
Though I’ve secretly always wanted to be a nasty habit. :)