I have a whole list of things I want to work on, but that’s all it is, is a list. No actual working-on, except on my mindless shawl knitting. That’s okay, and I’m not going to fuss about it. (Much; you know me, there’s bound to be some fussing about lack of productivity, no matter how good the excuse.)

But other people are doing wonderful things, and they’d like you to know about them. Via various mailing lists, here are two excellent fiber arts videos. (Note: the embedded versions aren’t showing up in the preview; if they don’t show up in the final post they’re the same YouTube videos as are linked directly in the text.)

I really like the loom in this band-weaving video . I may need to make one of those.

And here’s a video from Linda Hendrickson on her ply-split basket book. If you’d like to learn ply-splitting, I’ll be teaching it at the Pennsylvania Fiber Arts Fest in September. I’ll also be teaching introductory tablet weaving again. It should be fun!

One of the things on that list of projects is to make some larger baskets for show-pieces for the class. I’m not sure exactly what the class will cover yet, but it may include making miniature baskets. Fun stuff.

Anyone want to have a fiber arts day, when you come over and help motivate me to do stuff? Like make the cords for the ply-split baskets, or warp up the tablet weaving project I’ve been researching?

6 responses to “Fiber arts fun”

  1. Katrin Avatar

    That’s the traditional Swedish/Scandinavian inkle loom, as far as I know, and I’ve been thinking about making one, too. Efficiency! Yay!

  2. Laura Avatar

    Me me me! I want to have a fiber arts day.

    Sigh. If I were a *good* apprentice, I would have moved to PA like you told me to. ;)

  3. Phiala Avatar

    See? I TOLD you!

  4. Laura Avatar

    I finally watched the weaving video–I’ve seen plans on eBay for the 2-pedal Glimakra (?) type loom, but the ones in the video are much more appealing!

    Linda brings show and tell goodies to weaving guild meetings–I love the baskets. Last time she had a genuine Burmese tablet-woven band, one of the super-long ones with inscriptions. I always wish I could teleport you to the meetings…or just to Portland in general. :)

    1. Phiala Avatar

      Isn’t that a great loom?

      And yes, I totally need a TARDIS so I can come to Portland all the time. And other places, of course.

  5. Ruth Avatar

    Ya gotta love the itty-bitty lease sticks! What a wonderful band loom!


I’ve been doing stuff with string for quite some time, and describing it to others online since 1996 or so at Phiala’s String Page.

I also do some science and write some fiction.

I’m Phiala most places on the internet.