This is my least favorite time of year.


Gray, chill, wet. All sorts of sludge falling from the sky – rain, snow, sleet – and coating everything. The thrill of inches of snow has worn off, and winter has lost its allure. There’s still a month or six weeks of foul weather to look forward to. I’m even kind of tired of hand-knit woollies, shocking though that is. I even think my blog is less interesting without pictures of the latest flowers. When do things start growing again?

So instead, here are a couple more photographs with sun in them. These are from the Palace Theatre in Louisville, KY, which opened in 1928.

Palace Theatre

Palace Theatre

One response to “Slush”

  1. Laura Avatar

    I thought of you on my drive to work today–we’re having a warm spell with actual sunshine. There are even a few daffodils and dandelions blooming. I’m sure it will rain this weekend, though!


I’ve been doing stuff with string for quite some time, and describing it to others online since 1996 or so at Phiala’s String Page.

I also do some science and write some fiction.

I’m Phiala most places on the internet.