Boy do I feel stupid.

On Friday I started this post, writing about how you know that spring is coming when the daffodils poke up, and the birds start to sing, and that you know it’s autumn when the wool starts to appear.

I had wool socks on for the first time in months, on that cool rainy Friday morning.

wool sock

I started to write about how when the weather cools, the knitting projects that you couldn’t bring yourself to touch reappeared from the pile of unfinished objects, like the Bristow cardigan I started last spring (coincidentally at the same time the snowdrops appeared).

knitted sleeve

I managed to figure out where I was in the cable pattern, not having made any notes when it became too summery to even think about wool cardigans, let alone touch them, and knit on it all week, at Monday Knit Night and Thursday SCA meeting, and got quite a bit done on the sleeve.

The Universe laughs at me. Today is hot and humid, predicted to be 90F. Not autumnal, and not making me think at all interestedly of wool. Instead I’m sitting around in shorts, as far away from any wool as possible. My lack of enthusiasm for knitting is probably beneficial, since I have to work this weekend anyway.

I did get three balls of roving done last weekend – not as much as planned, but something. They came out very well, soft and not the tiniest bit felted. Here they are hanging to dry.

dyed roving

Why yes, that white-with-gold-stars you see off to the right is the wallpaper in my workroom, but only on the closet doors. I haven’t figured out what to do to it yet. Paint it blue to match the shelves on the other side of the room?

One response to “Signs of autumn”

  1. Laura Avatar

    Not stupid–deceived by the crafty weather godlets. “Okay, let’s see how many people we can lure into digging out their cozy autumnal projects!”


I’ve been doing stuff with string for quite some time, and describing it to others online since 1996 or so at Phiala’s String Page.

I also do some science and write some fiction.

I’m Phiala most places on the internet.