By which I mean I made rumballs for the first time this weekend. Whyever did I not make those before? Gingersnaps work beautifully for the base. Spicy boozy goodness!

Terri Windling is doing a series on her blog on desks: artists, writers, famous, little-known–they’re all there, and it’s fascinating.

I love Christmas music, but only for a week or so a year, and this is that week. I know we’ve all been subjected to old chestnuts since October, and are sick and tired of them all. So instead, I’m going to feature some things here that are more… interesting… while still seasonally appropriate. Another set of songs will be appearing here.

One of my favorite carols is actually a Ukrainian New Year’s song about sheep in the original, though Christmas lyrics have been added on top of the tune. The version I like the most, by Kitka, isn’t available online, so this will have to do.

One response to “Holiday spirits”

  1. Vince Avatar

    Muppets good. Rumballs good.


I’ve been doing stuff with string for quite some time, and describing it to others online since 1996 or so at Phiala’s String Page.

I also do some science and write some fiction.

I’m Phiala most places on the internet.